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Who is Malcolm Martin

Ever since I can remember I have had a pencil in my hand. Early childhood holidays in this country were often a rainy affair (nothing really changes) and my Dad (who cannot draw to save his life) would get me a pad and pencil and encourage me to copy comic characters from ‘The Beano’ and ‘The Dandy’, often in the confines of a wind-swept tent or at  a static caravan table. I then moved on to Disney characters and, in my teens, Marvel comic superheroes. My Grandmother was the first in her street to own a colour television and the first time we went to visit to see this incredible box in the corner of the room a John Wayne western was playing and I was hooked and dreamed of becoming a cowboy. There weren’t many ranches or cavalry forts or Indian reservations in Wiltshire at the time so I did the next best thing, I drew my favourite western stars.

My constant love of movies includes appreciation of the great movie poster artists, legends such as Renato Casaro, John Alvin and Drew Struzen, men who painted some of the most beautiful movie posters, creating genuine works of art in the process. These heroes have influenced my style and I strive to give my pencil work a movie poster vibe, in honour of the glory days when the posters were as much a part of the allure as the film’s themselves. Self-taught, through trial and error, I have genuinely learned to hone my craft the hard way but after 50 years of drawing I am finally happy to show you the fruits of my labour.

I hope you like looking at (and collecting) my pencil posters as much as I have creating them.